I decided to review ED Elixir simply because (like a lot of guys out there) I thought it was too good to be true. I mean, come on: A system that costs under a hundred bucks (WAY under) and treats erectile dysfunction naturally, no “little blue pills” needed? Keep on reading to learn the truth.
What is ED Elixir?
I’ll get to the ingredients in a couple of minutes but first, some backstory.
Mike, the US Marine Corps veteran who created ED Elixir, stumbled upon this formula by accident after having a run-in with a dangerous penis injection that sent him to the hospital and almost cost him his ability to ever have sex again. Mike’s story definitely got my attention. Like me, he has a gorgeous wife who’s more than ready to enjoy one-on-one time in the bedroom, but who was being left disappointed again and again while Mike struggled with erectile dysfunction.
Desperate for a solution, Mike first turned to prescription drugs. He was excited to achieve a full
erection after years of nothing following a roadside bombing incident while he was on active duty, but
his excitement was short-lived: He experienced severe side effects and was concerned that if he took
the prescription again, he might become a statistic. In reading about Mike’s experience with erectile
dysfunction, I found out that nearly 1,000 men die from heart attacks brought on by side effects of ED
prescriptions. I’m glad I read Mike’s story when I did, because I was on the verge of asking my own
doctor for a description.
So, back to Egypt, where Mike discovered the ED Elixir formula with the help of a local doctor. The doctor, having treated Mike after his penile enhancement attempt went wrong, gave him an age-old remedy aimed at restoring circulation and increasing Mike’s cardiovascular health at the same time. The doctor explained that the two issues went hand in hand, and he encouraged Mike to make and consume the tea.
Long story short, Mike faithfully mixed up this tea and drank it day after day. After some time, he noticed that he was regaining sensation in his groin and soon, his soldier was standing at attention. He and his wife were overjoyed and began to enjoy better sex than they ever had before. When Mike ran out of the remedy, he wanted to recreate it. He had it analyzed, learned about the ingredients, and ultimately consulted again with the Egyptian doctor, who provided more insight. Soon after that, Mike formulated ED Elixir and decided that he needed to share his secret with other men who were suffering from the shame and disappointment of ED.
What is in ED Elixir?
As it turns out, ED Elixir isn’t a bottle of supplements. Instead, it’s an elixir you mix yourself with ingredients that are inexpensive and easy to obtain. Mike could have created and sold an ED Elixir supplement but through his own experience, discovered that the blend of ingredients could be tweaked to handle different forms of erectile dysfunction.
All of the ingredients come together to support circulation throughout your body and improve your blood flow so that you can restore your boner to its former glory and perhaps even add inches to your erection.
Since so many of us experience feelings of shame, disappointment, and loss when we suffer from erectile dysfunction, Mike decided to create an entire system including mental tips and tricks aimed at getting over the mental hurdles that happen when we’re afraid that we won’t be able to perform, and that are cemented into place as we experience the physical difficulties associated with erectile dysfunction.
ED Elixir includes a full guide to nutrients, natural aphrodisiacs, and more, all intended to do what prescription drugs, weird penis pumps, and scary injections can’t do:
- Improve your body’s blood flow so you can have rock-hard erections again
- Repair vascular inflammation associated with worsening erectile dysfunction
- Improve your self-confidence
- Bring back your libido
- Restore full sensation so sex feels better than ever
Many men who review ED Elixir report that besides an end to erectile dysfunction, they are enjoying more energy overall. Quite a few find that they’re able to return to working out, feeling more masculine, and even focusing better at work.
What Else is Included?
I was shocked to find out that there’s quite a bit to the ED Elixir program and I was also shocked by the price. One thing at a time, though. The ED Elixir program has several components, starting with the list of ingredients, how and why they work, and how to combine them to get the best, fastest results possible and end the erectile dysfunction nightmare.
It also includes a guide to customizing all of the ingredients to meet your needs, since there are different ED symptoms and issues.
I touched on the mental aspects of ED a minute ago and I’m pretty sure that you know what I’m talking about. Every time we fail to achieve an erection, every time we get hard but can’t stay that way, every time we disappoint our partners and ourselves, we feel a deep sense of shame, failure, and embarrassment that just gets worse over time.
It’s one of the worst feelings in the world and if you’re at all like me, you know it’s one of the worst things about ED. You feel worse than a failure – you can’t even be a real man. And you keep on beating yourself up, over and over. Instead of anticipating intimacy and looking forward to sex, you find yourself dreading it. You tell yourself that this time, it’s going to be even worse than last time. And because you believe it, your body responds accordingly. Your physical problems are compounded by your mental anguish.
Mike digs deep into the mental issues associated with erectile dysfunction. It’s one of the reasons why I’m leaving such a detailed review of ED Elixir. You can tell by reading his story that he’s been where you are, right there suffering, wondering if his marriage was over because he could no longer satisfy his beautiful wife. Mike’s familiarity with the psychological pain that accompanies ED led him to develop several extras:
- Sexual Stamina Secrets – A complete guide to building sexual stamina so you can go even longer than before. This guide is a game changer as it includes shortcuts and mental hacks to eliminate the emotional damage inflicted during your time with ED.
- Dirty Talk Secrets – I don’t know about you, but after such a long battle with ED and complete avoidance of anything sexual, I needed this. It’s basically a guide to talking dirty, turning her on, and getting the hottest action ever. Word to the wise, this is definitely NSFW.
- Her Ultimate Fantasy Lover – So you weren’t quite Romeo before? Don’t worry, because this is the ultimate guide to transforming yourself into an incredible lover, pleasing her, and making her want you more than ever.
What are the Benefits of ED Elixir?
Men who review ED Elixir tend to notice similar benefits. Here are some I’ve encountered myself, along with benefits that other men have noticed.
- Fast and easy to use – takes about 30 seconds per day
- No weird gadgets or needles
- No side effects like those listed on ED drug package inserts
- Stronger, harder erections that improve over time
- Confidential; nobody has to know that you are fighting a battle with ED
- An end to the embarrassment and feelings of failure that often accompany erectile dysfunction
- Natural erections when the moment is right
- Passionate, exciting sex for you and your partner
- Better stamina than ever
- Increased circulation can add inches to your erect penis size
- Inexpensive (this one surprised me!)
OK, so Is ED Elixir worth the price?
Here’s where the proverbial rubber meets the road, guys. You’re going to be as shocked as I was when you learn the price of ED Elixir. Mike is just about giving it away. The entire system is 37 bucks. Yes, you read that correctly.
For a measly $37 (that is less than the average price of a single Viagra tablet in many places) you get the whole program and all the benefits that come with it. And just in case it doesn’t work for you (or you don’t like it for whatever reason) Mike offers a 60-day money back guarantee. This means you either have your manhood restored and start enjoying a sex life again or you get your money back. I don’t know about you, but I feel like it’s more than worth it!

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